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Legal Notice

Who We Are

**Headquarters Address:** Zone des Près Loribes – Rue René Panhard, 59128 Flers-en-Escrebieux
**SIRET:** 42031261300029
**Website Address:** [](


**Design/Creation:** CAD Informatique – 31 Rue Romcamps, 7332 Sirault, BELGIUM – [](


The purpose of this legal notice is to define the terms under which TRANSPORTS DORCHIES makes the website available to internet users and the conditions under which users access and use this website. Any connection to the site is subject to compliance with this legal notice, which TRANSPORTS DORCHIES reserves the right to modify or update at any time. Accessing and using the site implies your acceptance of this legal notice. If you do not agree with the clauses set out below, you are advised not to use this service.

Access to the Service

Access to the service is possible 24/7, except in cases of force majeure or events beyond the control of TRANSPORTS DORCHIES, and subject to any breakdowns and maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the service and equipment. Access to the service is via the user’s computer(s) connected to a telecommunications network allowing access to the site The communication protocols used are those in use on the Internet network. The rights to access and use the TRANSPORTS DORCHIES website are non-exclusive and non-transferable rights.

Intellectual Property Rights

The content of the site (including data, information, illustrations, logos, trademarks, etc.) is protected under copyright and other intellectual property rights. Any copying, reproduction, representation, adaptation, distribution, in whole or in part, of the content of the site published by TRANSPORTS DORCHIES, by any means whatsoever, is illegal except for a single copy, on a single computer and reserved for the private use of the copyist. The elements presented on this site are subject to change without notice and are made available without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, and do not give rise to any right to compensation. The information and images contained on the website are protected by copyright ©. Logos are registered trademarks of TRANSPORTS DORCHIES.

Use of Documents

No document from the site may be copied, reproduced, published, downloaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except in the case of a single copy on a computer for your personal and non-commercial use. You must then retain all proprietary notices intact. Modification of these documents or use of them for any other purpose is a violation of TRANSPORTS DORCHIES’ proprietary rights. It is forbidden to use these documents on another website or in a networked computer environment.

Limitation of Liability

The documents and information disseminated on are provided “as is” without any express or implied warranty of any kind. TRANSPORTS DORCHIES reserves the right to modify or correct the content of its site at any time, without notice. TRANSPORTS DORCHIES cannot be held responsible for contamination of users’ computer equipment resulting from the propagation of a virus or other computer infections. It is the responsibility of the user of this site to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet network. In no event shall TRANSPORTS DORCHIES, its employees, suppliers, or third parties mentioned on this site be liable for any direct or indirect damage, incidental or consequential, or any other damage of any kind, including, but not limited to, financial or commercial loss, resulting from the use of this site or any information obtained on this site. The site may contain links to partner sites of TRANSPORTS DORCHIES or third parties. TRANSPORTS DORCHIES exercises no control over these sites and, therefore, assumes no responsibility for their availability, content, advertising, products, and/or services available on or from these sites. Consequently, TRANSPORTS DORCHIES cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may occur during the access of the user to the partner’s site or use of this site, non-compliance with the content and services to any regulation or any infringement of the rights of third parties. TRANSPORTS DORCHIES disclaims any responsibility regarding the information, materials, and software on sites linked by hypertext to the site

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

Any dispute arising or to arise related to this legal notice will be brought before the competent court and will be governed and analyzed according to French legislation, irrespective of rules on conflict of laws. Using the site implies your express agreement to the application of this jurisdiction clause. If any provision of this legal notice is deemed illegal, void, or unenforceable for any reason, it shall be considered not to be part of this legal notice and shall not affect the validity or application of the other provisions.