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Our CSR Commitments

Dorchies Transports is committed to controlling its climate impact and is actively involved in a social policy.

We are certified “Objective CO2” for our excellent results in reducing fuel consumption and our actions in favor of the environment.
  • Monitoring the consumption of our fleet: our internal software tool allows us to accurately track the fuel consumption of our vehicles to detect anomalies, identify areas for improvement, and measure progress.
  • The use of HVO and B100 biofuel.
  • Training our drivers in eco-driving.
  • A modern and efficient fleet.
Use of Biofuel
  • We reduce our environmental impact by offering services using biofuel.
  • We have invested in equipment compatible with HVO100 and B100.
objectif CO2

CSR Label

Specifically designed for the Transport and Logistics sector, it highlights our commitments in three areas: Environment, Social, and Governance.

Professional Equality Between Women and Men

We are committed to supporting the integration of women in the transport sector and ensuring professional equality. Despite our efforts, some of the criteria still do not adapt to the reality of our industry, making this index uncalculable. (*)

We are “Ambassadors of Transport Employment” to promote

  • the exploration of careers in transport.
  • Support and value our employees.
  • Integration program for new drivers.
  • Training for newly licensed drivers.
  • A pleasant working environment.
ambassadeur de l'emploi
Zone des Près Loribes
409 rue René Panhard
59128 Flers en Escrebieux
+33 (0)3 27 95 74 40